Our Services


Our autism education services are designed to empower and support individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We are committed to educate and foster understanding, promoting acceptance, and nurturing in the community.


We provide financial assistance to support the services that come with a new and existing diagnosis. Our goal is to alleviate financial burdens and ensure access to essential services and resources that enhance quality of life.


At AJ and the Cool Kids, we offer personalized IEP (Individualized Education Program) education and school advocacy services for children on the autism spectrum. We ensure that each child receives the support and accommodations they need to thrive academically and socially.


  • I reached out to AJ and the Cool Kids for help with my speech services and they did not hesitate to pay my bills right away. I will always recommend them as a resource.

    Ashley Heaton

  • This organization has done wonders for the autism community. I finally felt seen as a parent and caregiver of a child with autism. I was honored to be her first family to be honored at their annual gala.

    Kai McCoy

  • As the second honorees, we were chosen at a time when we first received our son's diagnosis. It was a very vulnerable time for us. We really were excited about being recognized. This organization has helped not only families with new diagnoses but existing ones with other needs in the autism community.

    The Dunlap Family